Azure / Cerulean split


Azure / Cerulean split
I want to start off this post by saying, Hi! I'm new! I also am looking forward to contributing to this awesome blog my friend created. I know that this was just updated yesterday but that is my band, so it clearly doesn't count for anything other then shameless self promotion. To hopefully make up for it I want to share this gem I found a while back.

From what I can tell through the information I found on the internet these two bands were a big part of the german 90's emo scene (something I did not know even existed.) The awesome thing about these two bands is that they really are nothing alike other then the fact like they are both emo. Kind of like the Sinaloa Ampere split. Azure seem to take their influence (or developed a similar convergent style) from the early 90's ottawa emo scene (One Eyed God Prophecy, Union of Uranus, etc.) Their two songs are laden with d-beats, crushingly slow beautiful parts and a very dirty heavy feel. Cerulean on the other hand will be best for fans of mineral. They only have one track on the split but it is amazingly beautiful.

Both of these bands have more releases, unfortunately I can't find them for the life of me, so this will have to make do for now. Enjoy!



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